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Help Your Teen Pass Their Driving Test: Speed Limits in Roadworks Zones

hills 2 ocean driver training Aug 05, 2024
Learner 2 P-Plates H2O Style

During the 100 hours of driving practice, learners have a lot to master, including vehicle control and speed management. Initially, they may struggle with how much to press the accelerator and when to start braking. While these actions become second nature to experienced drivers, learners need to understand the subtleties of slight accelerations, gradual braking, and firm stops. Once they grasp these skills, they must focus on maintaining the posted speed limits or staying slightly below them.

This can be particularly challenging for learners, as they often feel pressured by other drivers speeding past or expressing frustration. Additionally, learners may mimic their family members' driving habits. If parents frequently exceed speed limits or rush from point A to point B, learners will likely adopt similar behaviors, seeing them as normal.

Roadwork zones present an even greater challenge. The signs can be hard to spot, and learners often focus more on other drivers than on observing and adhering to the road rules. It’s crucial for learners to get consistent practice in recognizing the indicators of upcoming roadwork zones. Supervisors should point out orange bollards, witches' hats, and yellow signs, explaining their meanings and the importance of reducing speed.  Highlight the fact that road workers also deserve to be safe, and that maintaining lower speeds protects those working on or near the roadway.

Encourage learners to identify reduced speed limit signs and practice slowing down well before reaching them. They should also look ahead and spot the "End of Roadworks" sign, ensuring they don't exceed the speed limit until they've passed it and entered a new speed zone. If there's no "End of Roadworks" sign, the reduced speed continues until the next posted speed limit is clearly visible and they are out of the roadworks zone.

By diligently practicing these observations and actions every time, learners will internalize these habits. When it comes time for their Practical Test, these behaviors will be second nature, reducing the risk of failing due to speeding.


1. 🚧🚧🚧🚗Recognise what typical Roadwork Zones look like

2. 🚧🚧🚧🚗Discuss Roadworks signs and meanings

3. 🚧🚧🚧🚗Practice reducing speed & maintaining reduced speed in Roadworks Zones 


4. 🚧🚧🚧🚗Actively look for End of Roadworks sign

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