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🚗😧Four Reasons to STAY CALM while Teaching Your Learner to Drive

hills 2 ocean driver training Sep 16, 2024
Four Reasons to Remain Calm while Teaching your Teen to Drive

Teaching your teenager to drive is a significant milestone for both of you, but it can also be a source of considerable stress and anxiety. One of the main challenges is that, as experienced drivers, we often forget the myriad of small steps involved in driving. While we have developed a near-auto-pilot mode through years of experience, our teenagers are still learning and lack this automatic proficiency.

Over my time as a Driving Instructor, a common theme emerges in conversations with my Learners.  Many students wish their parents were calmer while teaching them to drive. They’ve expressed feeling more stressed themselves and unsafe when their parents react with panic or frustration during driving lessons.

The Impact of Parental Calmness

When students reported their experiences, they mentioned that yelling or sudden, panicked reactions from their parents often made the situation feel more dangerous. It’s critical to understand that a calm demeanor is not just about maintaining your composure—it’s about creating a safer learning environment for your teen.

Why Staying Calm is Crucial

1. Reduces Anxiety: Learning to drive can be extremely stressful for your teenager. If you react with panic or frustration, it can increase their anxiety, which may impair their ability to focus and respond appropriately.

2.  Assists Decision-Making: Stress can alter decision-making processes, often leading to more impulsive or less considered decisions due to increased activation of the amygdala, the brain's emotional center.

3. Encourages Safe Driving Habits: Teens are highly influenced by their parents' behavior. By staying calm and composed, you model how to handle stressful situations calmly, which can help them adopt the same approach while driving.

4. Promotes Open Communication:  A calm attitude encourages open and constructive communication. Your teen is more likely to ask questions and seek advice when they don’t feel judged or threatened. It therefore will increase your connection, creating a nurturing, trusting space, opening up for special shared memories together.

By staying calm and composed, you help create a safer, more effective learning experience for your teen.

Remember, your reaction to their mistakes will shape their driving skills and confidence. Embracing a patient and positive approach not only aids in their development but also strengthens your relationship with them during this crucial period of growth.

Stay tuned for next week's Blog for the Strategies to Stay Calm 


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